IT Support Specialist Program
TechNation is excited to introduce our IT Support Specialist training course which prepares students for jobs in a variety of different entry-level roles. The program combines our most popular training courses:
This 9-month course provides the skills for today’s most in-demand jobs. IT experience is not required to take this course, but computer literacy is essential to obtaining your first IT role. TechNation also supports graduates through networking opportunities, mock interviews, and resume reviews. Graduates also have the opportunity to join TechNation’s partnership with Slalom consulting’s C3 program. This program builds on TechNation’s robust career services program by offering mentorship from employees of one of the fastest-growing global consulting companies!
Prepare for a career in these entry-level positions
Computer User Support Specialist
Technical Help Desk
Technical Support Specialist
Desktop Support Specialist
Average Salary: $57,910
Salary Range: $50,700-$67,408
Course Details
Weekdays: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
Time: 6 PM – 9 PM MST
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